.:About Me:.

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Hello :) this is just a blog about my life yeahh nothing to special :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A little change and getting super fit!!! grrrr!

So hello :) long time no post right? So I have decided to quit the whole blog every day thing but instead! I am still going to continue blogging when I really want to,but I am going to try do at least one a week. Blogging every day was just too long and made it less fun and more like a chore than actually something I wanted to do.

Anyway :) I have made a small goal in the last couple of days which is to get fit and when I say fit I don't mean super thin i mean like I wanna be able to climb a couple flights of steps without feeling like the heart is going to stop beating jks :)
but yup and so far I have been doing pretty good. I got a cool little app that has some workouts and have been running ( usually when no ones around because I hate people watching me run) Now usually whenever I am not on a huge workout thing the rest of my family have been on diets which means usually theres never any real bad junk food in the house. But now ever since I have started working out its like everyone stopped dieting and now theres pringles and cheeze itz and brownies everywhere. Every time I come back from a work out I have to see those delicious snacks sitting there tormenting me lol.
Now part of me is like no don't eat it your getting fit remember? And then the other part of me is like just a couple chips right think about all the starving african kids and your just going let these chips go to waste. So its like a constant inner war every time I walk in the kitchen lol.

In other news I moved to california which is a really big change for me. Some friends took me boogie boarding for the first time a week ago and since I am as graceful as a swan it was a little interesting. Now because I thought I had a boogie board I cud go out to the really big waves since I was just that cool, but I quickly realized those waves were not having it and they knocked me down and rolled me away along with my boogie board :(. I really didn't realize how bad waves hurt when they crash onto of you but yeah I found that out too! In the end though I still had a lot of fun :)

_ylt=A2KJketKtkFPmygAQoujzbkF.jpg Yeah I wish I looked that cool! 

See ya in a couple days :) 

Time For A Change

Starting fresh on the blog :) New post tonight

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day NinetyThree- Happy Black friday!

hello :) so its been another week I think since I have blogged. opps! Hope you all had a great thanksgiving I know I did!  I was going to go black friday shopping early this morning but never got to! I couldn't find a ride, but its all good I am going shopping tomorrow to make up for missing it! Bring it!!

Since I didn't go Black friday shopping I spent the day doing random stuff, and by random stuff I mean anything that didn't involve me cleaning. I spent the day watching tons youtube videos, dancing throughout the whole house, and take funny pictures on my macbook! Yup this is what my life has come to.

just a few of the many random pictures -.- 

Tonight I am going to the movies with a friend. We already saw Twilight so we are going to go see Happy Feet 2!! Thats exciting! Im ready to watch some penguins sing and dance for my amusement! We are also going to see the 3D one. Fun Fact Toy Story 3 was the first movie I saw in theaters that was 3D and  yes I was one of those people who keeps there 3D glasses and pops the lenses out. 

272 days to go... look I gotta whiteboard!! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day EightyOne- Toaster Fire!!!

Hello! :D so its been a whole week since I have blogged which means I am a slacker! Thats okay I have a perfectly good reason. finals. I had to take a whole bunch of finals last week which really stinks, because its sooo boring but this means I am closer to summer so its all good!

So today I had an real life emergency! A fire broke out in my kitchen this afternoon. It was pretty intense! I was trying to make some delicious pop-tarts, the smores kind, and I left it for 2 minutes to finish watching my show. I came back and there were flames coming out of the toaster! It didn't help that the toaster is surrounded by wood cabinets!! So yeah I was fireman Nessa today!!! I had to run unplug the toaster and throw it outside. I did this all while screaming my head off and making up my own weird language of OMG! IM GOING TO DIE!
Thats okay though! I saved the day, like I always do! Superhero Nessa saving the world one toaster at a time!! Luckily nothing got burned except my pop-tarts :[ those were the last ones too!

RIP Pop-Tarts your deliciousness will be missed
  11-13-2011 to 11-13-2011
haha :)

This week will be a long one! I have my first swim meet this week, should be super fun, but im also super nervous. I hope I do good!

oh by the way boys suck at the moment! I hate them lol. It seems like I cant have a friend who's a guy without there being problems. If only things could be way simpler with guys and relationships and everything. Where is my own romantic comedy movie huh? wheres my super hottie and amazing kisses. Romantic comedies are lies! all lies! Now don't get my wrong I still believe there is love out there somewhere! Its just not the way movies make it.  Or maybe high school boys don't see what they have. I think I am done with boys for a while. Maybe its because I am waiting for that movie to happen. Maybe I just need to make my own.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day SeventyFour- Happy No Cake Birthday!!!

Hello :D so today was my little sisters birthday. She turned 15 today, and even though Im glad its her birthday its always a pain to set up birthday parties. We had a small party for her today and I had to set it all up. I got her a banner and cool candles and all this stuff! I was so happy I was like oh yeah her birthday is going to be awesome, and then i realized something. I forgot the cake!! The cake is usually the most important part of a birthday and I forgot it! I was so distracted by the cool candles I got which have a colored flame that I completely forgot about a cake!

 Anyway, I had to run back to the store and hurry to the bakery area and they had no cakes!! They only had two cakes which were red velvet and yellow. My sister only eats chocolate cake. You would think out of all the possible cake flavors they would have chocolate! Now I didn't have time to actually go buy cake mix and make a cake so I had to improvise and I got!!!!!!!!

Sure, it isn't no birthday cake but there delicious and have the word cake in it! In the end it turned out all okay and she had great birthday!

Speaking of cake, I was watching cake boss the other day. I love that show everything looks so yummy! If I ever got a cake from there I don't know if I could eat it, because It would look so pretty! In other news I have finals all this week :/ not fun.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day SixtyNine-Lockers and background music!

Hello :) so today has been a pretty long day! And by really long day I mean I feel I have spent like 5 days at the school but its only been one! On the plus side some good things happened today! I have finally mastered how to open up my new locker! I moved lockers a couple days ago because mine was way to crowed! I moved into my friends locker but this new locker is soo completely impossible to get into to! The combination isnt really that hard, but its the fact you have to throw all your hulk strength at it to open up! It really sucks because I could barely get it open when my friend was there! Today though he wasnt there so I had to take on the locker by myself!!! It was a battle but I finally got it down! :D I felt like a champion!!! If life had background music the most epic song would be playing after I got it open!
I wish life had background music that would just make everything easier! When your happy you got all your happy songs playing and its just doubles your happiness points! Then you have all your little love songs when your with that special someone and it sets the mood right? Oh! And action songs for if you trip or trying to catch something thats falling off the table! That would be pretty awesome,but what would be the background music when you sleep?? Would that e just an exepection to the rule??? You know what background music is a terrible idea if you have to have it when your sleeping!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day SixtyEight- Happy Halloween!! :D

So yeah I have pretty much failed with this lol. I have kinda just lost the motivation to post and I really didn't know what to post actually. The only thing harder than posting now is counting up all the days I missed!

Anyway Happy Halloween!! I absolutely love dressing up in funny costumes for halloween. Since Halloween was on a monday you would think a lot of people would dress  up at school, but nope no one did. Its like everyone forgot it was halloween! Im glade I didn't dress up because I would have been the only one in a crazy costume. Last year though when I lived in Colorado everyone dressed up! I was snooki from the Jersey Shore that year haha. It was pretty fun. I got pretty orange and had a huge wig poof on! it was so big everytime I would look down it would fall right off my head.

oh yes very attractive jks! That was at a halloween party later that night. I didn't dress up this year though  :( I so didn't have time to. On the plus side since I live in a very small community no one ever comes to my house for candy, which means all the candy my dad bought is all mine!!!!!!!! What did you guys dress up as this halloween or past halloweens??? Imma go chow down on some candy!!! :D